I believe you can also get public attention without resorting to such tactics. As much as I agree with your underlying position, I am sufficiently turned off by your tone and presentation that I, for example, would not go out of my way to ask anyone I might know at Apple what was up with the bug, or (of it were something I felt I could control) fix it myself. Your audience should not be people who will be riled up by vitriol: it should be other professional developers, and a larger internal-to-Apple community.
I wouldn't be surprised if other people at Apple now just feel insulted, and the people working on this problem likewise demoralized; all with the result that you are even /less/ likely to see a bug fixed in this project in a short period of time (and even if someone does "react" to this one, to be slightly more hostile and slightly less forgiving of your future bug reports, even of they are posed in a "professional manner", as they now "know better").
I wouldn't be surprised if other people at Apple now just feel insulted, and the people working on this problem likewise demoralized; all with the result that you are even /less/ likely to see a bug fixed in this project in a short period of time (and even if someone does "react" to this one, to be slightly more hostile and slightly less forgiving of your future bug reports, even of they are posed in a "professional manner", as they now "know better").