anyway, it's not the same as netguard. Pcapdroid helps to identify bad application that you can either remove, or if not possible, use netguard later on to block.
> it can block, i think it's a 'donation' feature.
Oh, interesting, I didn't know.
A pity that you have to purchase it on the Play Store
> anyway, it's not the same as netguard. Pcapdroid helps to identify bad application that you can either remove, or if not possible, use netguard later on to block.
Well, almost all closed-source apps, and especially many system applications, send data out all the time; blocklisting rather than whitelisting is not a great strategy.
NetGuard allows exporting to PCAP as well, anyhow, as a paid feature
anyway, it's not the same as netguard. Pcapdroid helps to identify bad application that you can either remove, or if not possible, use netguard later on to block.