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I'm using Firebase Auth with a Chrome extension.

There is an API to `signInWithCustomToken`[0] that makes it fairly straightforward to do from your client script.

The way I have it set up is:

    - User clicks the Login action and is redirected to an app page which redirects to OAuth login
    - User performs normal signup/login flow via the OAuth login and redirects back to the app page
    - In my case, it is an SPA and I generate a custom token on the server side using the FirebaseAdmin SDK and write it to the page as a hidden `<div/>`
    - The extension has a client script that loads for this page looking for this `<div/>`; when it shows up, it stores the token via the background worker
    - User goes back to where ever the extension is loaded; now you can check with the background worker to see if it has a custom token and then use it to swap for an auth token
This only has to be done one time so it's not too onerous and quite seamless once you've set it up. This worked best for me since there are no restrictions once you can redirect to an app page for login and you don't have to fiddle around with figuring out the restrictions in Chrome extensions.

Example of this flow in an extension: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/turasapp/lpfijfdbgo...

[0] https://cloud.google.com/identity-platform/docs/reference/re...

I use Firebase SDK with the FirebaseUI library on languagereactor.com. When users access the /login page, if the extension is detected, the signInSuccessWithAuthResult callback triggers getFirebaseSignInToken to obtain a custom token. This token is then passed to the Firebase SDK running in the extension’s background worker via messaging, where signInWithCustomToken() is called. The SDK in the background worker has an onAuthStateChanged() callback that notifies any listening tabs when the authentication state changes.

However, some users had been reporting issues related to third-party cookies and a few other minor problems. Recently, oeffectively running a 'DROP TABLE' on 400GB of Firestore data ended up costing $2,000.

I'm looking for an auth replacement. 2 million users, mostly free users. The system needs to support Google sign-in and email authentication, possible to integrate with React Native Expo, ability to issue API keys (thats probably separate). No vendor lock-in, under $500/month, happy to self-host. Any recommendations appreciated.

    > However, some users had been reporting issues related to third-party cookies and a few other minor problems. Recently, oeffectively running a 'DROP TABLE' on 400GB of Firestore data ended up costing $2,000
This doesn't sound like an issue with Firebase Auth per se. You can still use the auth and move your storage to some other mechanism (one friend working on another project is using Firbase Auth with Supabase backend because he couldn't get Supabase auth to work with Claude generating most of his code).

In your case, depending on the document size vs number of documents, it might have been more economical to queue the deletions so that each day, you use exactly up to the free limit (20k deletes per day) and delete it over a number of days if there were no other constraints.

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