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I am the Drasi engineering lead and can assure you that any Azure-centricity is purely one of historical convenience and a lag in getting more of our non-Azure-centric doc, samples, and components published.

The main current dependency is having a K8s cluster.

You can run Drasi for dev/test on k3s(https://drasi.io/how-to-guides/installation/install-on-k3s/) or kind(https://drasi.io/how-to-guides/installation/install-on-kind/) and docker desktop also works but is undocumented.

Cloud based options include AKS (we will release the instructions soon) and EKS as mentioned. When we tested on EKS, we hit some storage class issues and decided to publish this with some work-arounds instead of holding back until we do a proper fix, which we will prioritize if there is demand.

On prem K8s should also work, but we haven't put resources into testing those scenarios. We would love to engage with anybody that would be willing to try this out.

Also, in the future we are thinking about other delivery platforms, not just K8S. You will see in the code that our dependency on k8s is abstracted.

If you have any questions, the Drasi Team is most active over on our discord channel (https://aka.ms/drasidiscord) and we would love to answer your questions and help ypu get started using Drasi.

is there any lineage between this project and ReactiveX family developed at endjin now?

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