Enter a topic and get a learning mind map generated by an LLM with links to learn more about each subtopic.
You can use it with local models (through Ollama) or external models.
If you have any feedback, please share it! Hope it's useful
Demo: https://youtu.be/Y-9He-tG3aM
My first thought when seeing this is, could I use this as a "progress map" for a subject I'm learning? So add my own notes, and use AI to find and recommend more resources?
My second thought is, can you build one of these for everything I've ever learned, and want to learn?
I've long (15 years?) been waiting for a system that knows not only my interests, but my knowledge, and can use that data to find or generate the optimal learning experience for any subject.
(Khan Academy used to have a big interconnected graph of how all the knowledge on their platform fit together (dependencies) but for some reason they removed it...)
AI is getting pretty close, especially now that they've rolled out memory and conversations... wild times we live in!