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This ^

We can’t all have the latest EPYC processors with the latest bug fixes using Secure Enclaves and homomorphic encryption for processing user data while using remote attestation of code running within multiple layers of virtualization. With, of course, that code also being written in Rust, running on a certified microkernel, and only updatable when at least 4 of 6 programmers, 1 from each continent, unite their signing keys stored on HSMs to sign the next release. All of that code is open source, by the way, and has a ratio of 10 auditors per programmer with 100% code coverage and 0 external dependencies.

Then watch as a kid fakes a subpoena using a hacked police account and your lawyers, who receive dozens every day, fall for it.


No, it’s your demeanor that is unbecoming and not worth engaging with. Villianizing your poor behavior not successfully baiting people into replying as you want is childish too. Take a breather.

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