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I think you have good approach. I also tend to go with the flow and follow the common practice. If I tried to do "Java in C#", it would make it more difficult to follow my code and decrease maintainability.

I sometimes work on legacy C# code that we inherited from another team and I try to follow the style as close as possible. I just haven't invested enough time to make any informed decisions about how things should be.

You are both over thinking it.

GIT? unit tests? and i thought debuggers spoiled us?

although cavemen-esque in comparison to 'modernity'; it wasn't a nightmare to Pause/resume program flow and carefully distill every suspected-erroneous call to Console.Log(e)/stdout/IO/alert(e)/WriteLine(e); `everything to find the fun/troublesome bits of one's program - instead of a tedious labyrinth of stack traces obfuscating out any useful information, further insulted by nearly un-googable compiler errors.

Tests were commented out functional calls with mock data.

If you never need to instantiate another instance of a structure so much so that it would benefit from an explicit schema for its use - whether it be an object or class inheritance or prototype chain - then sure, optimize it into a byte array, or even a proper Object/struct.

But if it exists / is instantiated once/twice, it is likely to be best optimized as raw variables - short-cutting OOP and it's innate inheritance chain would be wise, as well as limiting possibly OOP overhead, such as garbage collection.

  >interface in C#
Coincidentally, that is where my patience for abstraction for C# had finally diminished.

yield and generators gave off awkward syntatic-over-carmelized sugar smell as well - I saw the need, to compliment namespaces/access modifiers, but felt like a small tailored class would always outweigh the negligible time-save.

I love the idea of syntactic engagement gone too far as "burnt sugar"

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