> it can also be read as one and five. However, it is not fifteen.
Can you help me wrap my brain around this? Does it mean six? I'm struggling to understand how a word can mean two numbers and how this would actually be used in a conversation.
Thanks. I'm curious and trying to search for this to understand just returns anime.
It's truly the exact same as someone saying "onefive can be read as (one five), but it's not (fifteen)" - to a non-English speaker I mean - I don't read 'prank' in that statement
GPT 4o: The word "ichigo," which is the Romanized spelling (romaji) of いちご, contains one "r." It appears in the letter "r" in "chi," as the "ch" sound in romaji represents a combination of the "r" sound from "r" and "t" sound from "i."
Thank you chatgpt. I'm glad we've burned down a bunch of forests for this.
You can consistently get the right answer with a prompt of:
> Write python code, and run it, to count the number of 'r' characters in いちご.
though. For numeric stuff, telling the thing to just write python code makes it significantly better at getting right answers.
If I remember correctly, "ichigo" means strawberry in japanese. You are welcome.