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The translation is: kids are self-obsessed and self-absorbed, inclusive of identity progressivism like pronouns and under-represented representation.

The selfie generation(s). 2006 Time's Person of the Year: You.

For my taste, that seems to well be true, but all generations have their thing and those that don't agree with the positions will of course conclude these "new things" are very very bad things.

On the selfie obsession: social media is poison but that's hardly unique to the kids. The adults are doing all the damage.

2006 is 18 years ago, those kids are the adults now....

Perhaps that was your point.

Well yes in the sense that "kids these days" is a moving goal post.

My sense is that millennials are split: the older half fatigued and eyerolly regarding "too much wokeness" and the younger still thinking themselves young and leaning into whatever the socials are on about.

This isn't a moral judgement. Just one millennial's observation.

The kids being talked about in this submission must surely be Gen Z if they are college students. The youngest Millenial would be older graduate students, segregated from the freshmen and whatnot.

But of course the whole generations business is arbitrary. People would be just as insistent about the realness of this and that generation if they switched the years up or down five years.

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