A unit test has nothing to do with a REPL, a proper REPL provides something similar to jupiter notebooks in feel, alongside debugging and hot code reload experience.
Maybe we have different understandings of REPLs. For me, a REPL is a tool that I can use to try out some portion of my code, see how it responds to various inputs, see how it handles certain cases, and explore the internals of it via debugging tools.
But... that's what I do in a unit test anyway. A unit test is essentially a REPL session that I've frozen in time, can replay whenever I want, can debug, can trigger a fresh run whenever changes occur (which isn't quite hot reloading, but often a darn sight more useful), and can keep track of and share with my team. Which means I'm not just able to explore things on my own, but I can see the explorations that other people have made with their code.