Go look at job boards. The competition for Go, Rust, Django or whatever is Java+Spring. That's pretty much the industry standard unless you're in a Microsoft-only shop.
It’s disingenuous to leave out C# and F# out of this, given how much closer they are to Rust in language features and how much more “close to the metal” capabilities they offer while also having opinionated web frameworks, better CLI tooling and package management and being generally very productive languages.
I specifically mentioned Microsoft and pointed out that it's mostly gonna be Spring unless in an MS shop. C# wasn't mentioned explicitly because I thought it was clear what was meant.
Then the statement is incorrect, unless you want to indicate that it’s region-specific.
Edit: I read other comments. Disregard my replies then, because this is likely intentional. Luckily, I had enough interactions with Java communities to know that many other people there are not biased.
I don't see how people can "love" writing rust either. I love a lot of things about Rust and its ecosystem, but the syntax day-to-day isn't one of those things.
(Not only because I think competition is good, but because I really do not enjoy writing Go.)