Yes, I guess. I wouldn't be surprised to see "Jai inspired" languages coming out before Jai itself, since some of the ideas look pretty good.
> How does one even get the compiler and build programs ?
Don't know how seriously you're asking this, but I believe you can apply to use it and if Jon likes your credentials and what you want to try it on he might let you have the compiler for some version. Don't know why he won't just open source it and say it's a early version passive of change, but game development is not usually very open source friendly compared to web dev.
Yes, I guess. I wouldn't be surprised to see "Jai inspired" languages coming out before Jai itself, since some of the ideas look pretty good.
> How does one even get the compiler and build programs ?
Don't know how seriously you're asking this, but I believe you can apply to use it and if Jon likes your credentials and what you want to try it on he might let you have the compiler for some version. Don't know why he won't just open source it and say it's a early version passive of change, but game development is not usually very open source friendly compared to web dev.