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Have you ever been to a burrito stand? Maybe a Chipotle restaurant? Literally the person assembling a burrito starts with tortilla and they add your meat and ingredients to it. The ingredients come from an array of pans at the counter (aka an enum of choices), and you (the consumer of said burrito) tell the maker what you want a series of "add this" type statements.

I get that cooking is necessary to prepare the ingredients, but once the ingredients are all individually prepared, the cooking is irrelevant to making them into burritos.

Chipotle ensures all paths lead to a customer-pleasing Burrito, which is kind of sort of the same Burrito once you squint in the way Chipotle slants. Choose away; it does not matter very much. I would say cooking/Cooking is finding interesting variations of a Burrito. So while Chipotle may be explained as turning a Burrito into a Monad, a Burrito, and cooking a Burrito, is ideally not a Monad.

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