They make money through the fees they charge companies that pay for their service, so that they can get banking data from their consumers. Those fees are not cheap, so I do imagine they are doing most of the work to sustain the business right now.
I’m not saying “you should trust Plaid with your data” — absolutely, 100% not that. I imagine that’s how I’m being interpreted, hence all the downvotes.
What I’m saying is that at the present time, it does not seem to me that Plaid would be incentivized to do something that they explicitly say they are not doing. Plaid’s business model is, trust us to get your customers data and deliver it to you, and only you, safely. Selling it to Bob down the street on top of that would threaten their primary business model. And today, that primary business model is doing very well! So why threaten it?
Now, someday in the future, maybe that business model has stagnated, and line still needs to go up, so someone may get greedy and that may change. In fact, this is even likely to happen! But there will be signals that it is coming.
Even re: the issue of misleading users that they are not their bank — after they got slapped down on that one, their strategy changed. There is a new set of regulations around disclosure around these things, and Plaid is pushing them pretty hard. My guess is they had some hand in drafting these regs and are hoping to use a higher regulatory burden to build a moat against competitors.
But honestly, I’m kind of surprised at the lack of nuance in understanding how Plaid works, especially here on HN.
I’m not saying “you should trust Plaid with your data” — absolutely, 100% not that. I imagine that’s how I’m being interpreted, hence all the downvotes.
What I’m saying is that at the present time, it does not seem to me that Plaid would be incentivized to do something that they explicitly say they are not doing. Plaid’s business model is, trust us to get your customers data and deliver it to you, and only you, safely. Selling it to Bob down the street on top of that would threaten their primary business model. And today, that primary business model is doing very well! So why threaten it?
Now, someday in the future, maybe that business model has stagnated, and line still needs to go up, so someone may get greedy and that may change. In fact, this is even likely to happen! But there will be signals that it is coming.
Even re: the issue of misleading users that they are not their bank — after they got slapped down on that one, their strategy changed. There is a new set of regulations around disclosure around these things, and Plaid is pushing them pretty hard. My guess is they had some hand in drafting these regs and are hoping to use a higher regulatory burden to build a moat against competitors.
But honestly, I’m kind of surprised at the lack of nuance in understanding how Plaid works, especially here on HN.