Origins of this font can be traced to the Sun Microsystems SPARCstation console. In some early days of Linux development that font was donated to be a part of the Linux kernel.. Characters: Latin, Greek, Cryillic, Pinyin.
I get the nostalgia, but even back in the day I though that the "standard" PC text mode font was really ugly. With a little bit more effort, IBM could have made everyone's life a little bit more pleasant, but they didn't.
i'd love to make a website with similar style. but i did not find any informations on the int10h website. anybody knows anything about it? (except of course just to make it myself)
Really? Can you even copyright a font? As far as I know, fonts can't be copyrighted, meaning they can be used by anyone without needing a licence. IANAL, but it seems like font users aren't required to comply with attribution and share-alike requirements of the CC licence.
With vector fonts containing copyrightable code, are you referring to e.g. TrueType hinting, or OpenType shaping (or very avant-gardely, WASM shaping)? I should hope the glyph-drawing instructions don't fall under this definition of code, because that'd maybe mean SVG `path`s are copyrightable...