As the study concludes, wind will absolutely tear apart a cheap house, or a structure not built to be resilient to wind. And most aren’t.
_But_ once you’re ready for wind , as we are, you live in fear of the storm surge accompanying a major hurricane. Especially since it lasts 4-6 hours and can overlap with high tide, that’s a 15-20’ sea level rise of churning water. No house can be practically hardened against that, and when wind is gusting at 100+mph it’s not safe to run or move.
When we anticipate a major storm surge + storm, we plan for an island-wide evacuation of 50,000+ people to seven small shelters.
As the study concludes, wind will absolutely tear apart a cheap house, or a structure not built to be resilient to wind. And most aren’t.
_But_ once you’re ready for wind , as we are, you live in fear of the storm surge accompanying a major hurricane. Especially since it lasts 4-6 hours and can overlap with high tide, that’s a 15-20’ sea level rise of churning water. No house can be practically hardened against that, and when wind is gusting at 100+mph it’s not safe to run or move.
When we anticipate a major storm surge + storm, we plan for an island-wide evacuation of 50,000+ people to seven small shelters.