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> Any unexpected entry into safemode would require a report, multiple meetings with the customer, and them being pretty angry. Their line of reasoning seems to be "Safemode->Something is wrong->Why is something wrong? We're not paying you to be wrong". I'm personally of the opinion that safemode isn't that bad. It's fully recoverable and shows the system is working properly.

To the last part first: Good that safe mode kicked in and did the right thing, but now what? What caused it to enter safe mode in the first place?

That's why they care when it happens. If they don't know why it's entering safe mode, they can't correct the actual problems in the system.

"Safemode is when all non critical functions are automatically shut down and the satellite becomes entirely focused on generating power by pointing its solar panels towards the Sun and trying to reestablish any communication that was lost."

The non-critical functions are all the things the customer actually bought the satellite for. Cool that it's still alive, but now the Space Internet / death lasers / etc. are offline.

There are faults IDs that trip if certain telemetry goes outside of a normal range. If a safemode were to occur, we would investigate which faults tripped and at what time, and use those to construct a "story" of what happened on the satellite before it entered safemode. We're also constantly recording every telemetry that comes down, so we could reference any telemetry we wanted as far back as months in the past.

To your point, yes you're correct. The cause of the safemode is much more interesting than the fact we entered it.

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