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I am male. No siblings. So your Indian stereotypes are both correct and incorrect. Depending on what part of the nation you are from, there are places where boys are preferred to girls. I came from a middle class expat family with a rather "liberal" bent. At least among the small sample of folks that I grew up with, most people had fewer kids and pampered the hell out of them focusing on ensuring that this went hand in hand with getting good grades. I believe the same is happening in China with the one child effect. I didn't see any sort of discrimination against women among this demographic. Obviously, India is the kind of place where you can cherry pick and find anecdotal evidence to pretty much support any hypothesis you want.

> Depending on what part of the nation you are from, there are places where boys are preferred to girls.

Preferred to the extent that female babies are often aborted. Female foeticide has been described by Manmohan Singh as a "national shame" (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-13264301)

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