It doesn't matter what they want. It doesn't matter why they want it. They are not entitled to this information. They should not be able to know anything at all about us without our explicit consent. We should not have to sacrifice our privacy and peace of mind so that businesses can succeed. If they can't succeed without surveilling us and selling us out, then let them go bankrupt.
If that’s where this all shakes out to it will have the affect of creating retail monopolies worse than even in the pre internet days as marketing will be simply too expensive for many online small businesses. 90% of Shopify stores would be dead in the water.
Nobody is stopping anybody from advertising or marketing. Simply that if your advertisers wish to track me, then they must ask my specific opt-in permission to do so. And so they should.
If your business cannot survive without illegally (!) tracking and trading in personal data, then you have a scummy business model and a business that has no right to exist.
And you aren't entitled to visit their website. Seems like everything is working fine then? Most of them won't go bankrupt just because you stop visiting; based on reality, most of them are doing relatively fine.
Sure I am. You cannot deny me service because I refused to consent to surveillance capitalism nonsense. It's literally written in the laws. And that's the way it should be. It should be illegal for them to punish people in any way whatsoever for exercising their rights.
Charge people money up front if you require payment. My attention and personal information are not currencies to pay for services with.
The GDPR prohibits conditioning the provision of service on consent to the processing of personal data. Thus mandating acceptance of advertisers tracking cookies ("cookie walls") without providing alternative means of website access are considered violations of the GDPR.