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iOS Secure Exclave makes its way from M4 iPad Pro to iPhone 16 (macworld.com)
14 points by transpute 6 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Given the Apple controls the hardware, kernel, and core services, what impact does this have? Just preventing vulnerability escalation?

Software controls for sensors aren’t “somewhat” vulnerable to hackers…they are just vulnerable to hackers.

Hardware switches are invulnerable to software hacks. The elephant in the room.

Hardware switches don't have the feature that they can be toggled on demand by the true owner [1] of the device, this being Apple. For the user this feature is obviously more akin to a bug but please, won't you think of the children?

[1] think 'owner' in administrative terms as ´the person or entity who has full control over the device'

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