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Ok, if you want me to be more specific. (Given that we are talking about keynotes, which are, by design, marketing mistruths. )

They thought a bit about stalking, but not enough to alter the experience, or release tools for non-apple owners to avoid being tracked.

Sure, there are some "industry leading features" but no-one else in industry decided to co-opt a network of ~1 billion devices to provide location updates.

Sure Apple made it very difficult to track an airtag on a person, for the owner's privacy. But that also means that the non-owner is less able to find it.

It takes about 3-5 days (although its been up to two weeks in some cases) before my various iphones twig that an errant airtag is with me.

Now you might see me as someone who is anti apple, or has an agenda against apple. Thats not the case.

The issue is, when you create a device like this, and marry it to such a capable platform, you have to own the side effects. It took something like _6 months_ to release an android airtag detector. Which means it was very much an after thought. Had they talked to any Domestic Violence support groups, they would have told them very clearly how these devices would be used. (I suspect they did, but that would destroy the product vision too much, so it was downgraded. )

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