So, if you have something that's still an "idea" (with a bit of prototype software attached to it), which you really are only working on as a "hobby" (since you have a full-time job and can only fit in an hour here or there in place of your lunch breaks to hack on it), and you haven't made a single dollar from it yet--
but, you have a tiny, dedicated userbase (which you've purposefully kept small so you could personally tend the garden of your own community and work out bugs), and more than a few people jumping to invest in your idea, who want some sort of corporate entity to exist so they can own shares of it--
If you've got "more than a few people jumping to invest in your idea, who want some sort of corporate entity to exist so they can own shares of it" you've probably already made it. The scenario where that happens while it's still just an idea you're treating as a hobby seems pretty implausible.
but, you have a tiny, dedicated userbase (which you've purposefully kept small so you could personally tend the garden of your own community and work out bugs), and more than a few people jumping to invest in your idea, who want some sort of corporate entity to exist so they can own shares of it--
is it time to register as a company?