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Why do people need to be on guard for those beliefs? People should be critical thinkers and not thought police.

Granted, there are all kinds of whackos in crypto, but we should only be concerned about the immoral ones trying to scam us out of our money: SBF, Do-Kwon, and the like.

people are legitimately buying farming land in the US and currently suing farmers for "anti-trust" for refusing to sell them their land so that they can quite literally create a crypto based sovereign micro-nation of wealthy tech VC's. [1] and I think that is a selfish, vile and delusional thing to do. It has nothing to do with "thought police" its as simple as looking at the impact of their actions and beliefs and making the decision to reject that way of thinking and way of life.

1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHlcAx-I0oY

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