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Sure. It's a failing of the ecosystem. That observation, a cup of coffee, and 1-3 years will get you a Kenny Paterson paper stunt-breaking your system. I feel where you're coming from, but, respectfully: it does not matter.

My thing here is just: learn the math! Or do something else. I did! There is so much to do in our industry.

> My thing here is just: learn the math! Or do something else. I did! There is so much to do in our industry.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean here by "something else in our industry". Are you arguing that I'm not qualified to be a software engineer due to not understanding the math behind elliptic curves, or did you miss my repeated use of phrases like "the vast majority of software engineers" rather than some specialty where cryptography implementation details details are more important? If the latter, I can reassure you that I don't work in cryptography, work on any cryptographic libraries, or have any specific responsibilities related to security beyond the general idea that all software being written should be secure. If the former, I'll have to respectfully disagree, and suggest that maybe even if you aren't willing to consider that you're wrong about the math being a hard requirement for someone being qualified as a software engineer, it's worth considering that you almost certainly don't have enough information to conclude whether a stranger on the internet is qualified based on reading some of their comments.

I'm certainly not saying you're not qualified to be a software engineer.

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