We run Spacelift workers with Auto Scaling Groups and pick up their new image ~monthly with zero hassle since everything is automated.
Raw EC2 is just part of the story...
Edit to add: I also recommend using Amazon Linux unless you _have_ to have RHEL / Cent / Rocky or Ubuntu. Just lean into the ecosystem and you can get so many great features (and yes, I ACK the vendor lock-in with this advice). A really cool feature is the ability to just flip on various AWS services like the systems manager session manager and get SSH without opening ports a-la wireguard.
We run Spacelift workers with Auto Scaling Groups and pick up their new image ~monthly with zero hassle since everything is automated.
Raw EC2 is just part of the story...
Edit to add: I also recommend using Amazon Linux unless you _have_ to have RHEL / Cent / Rocky or Ubuntu. Just lean into the ecosystem and you can get so many great features (and yes, I ACK the vendor lock-in with this advice). A really cool feature is the ability to just flip on various AWS services like the systems manager session manager and get SSH without opening ports a-la wireguard.