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Once you do it for long enough it might be worth it to consider configuration management where you declare native structured resources (users, firewall rules, nginx reverse proxies, etc) rather than writing them in shell.

I use Puppet for distribution of users, firewall rules, SSH hardening + whitelisting, nginx config (rev proxy, static server, etc), Let's Encrypt certs management + renewal + distribution, PostgreSQL config, etc.

The profit from this is huge once you have say 20-30 machines instead of 2-3, user lifecycle in the team that needs to be managed, etc. But the time investment is not trivial - for a couple of machines it is not worth it.

Honestly not having to use Puppet or Ansible are among my reasons for using Docker. I do some basic stuff in cloud-init (which is already frustrating enough) to configure users, ssh, and docker and everything else is just standard Docker tooling.

Which is fine if it works well for you.

The point of this discussion is clear: complexity adds extra ops work, so the gains obtained from additional complexity need to compensate for that extra work.

Detailed config management has a learning curve and pays off only from a certain fleet size on.

Dedicated hardware pay off at a larger scale.

Complex cloud native arrangements pay off when... [left as an exercise for the reader].

> I do some basic stuff in cloud-init (which is already frustrating enough)

What do you find frustrating about cloud-init? I'm relatively new to it.

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