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How high do you think are the chances of China taking Taiwan by force? And how would US or NATO respond to that?

They should fuck off to their part of the world. I am not Chinese but everyone in this region has gotten enough of you idiots fucking us up over colonialism dont you think?

China has no incentive to disrupt the status quo, they have already invaded Taiwan culturely and economically. It's only the western simpletons brainwashed by the military industrial complex who think that people somehow want war or that "those Asians" want war (I guess because we are stupid?)

Most of China's neighbours seem to also have a problem with the way it behaves around it borders and sees.

But maybe you would consider them simpletons as well or is that too transparent and close to the colonialism you supposedly despise?

I am Vietnamese. Of course I cannot speak for everyone, but I think, in general, I can call westerners simpleton in this matter.

Ah, Vietnamese. North or South?

If you wanna put people into boxes, I am northern Vietnamese - Australian

You can't, but oh well, good luck to you and your racism.

I think I can, this is the part of the world where I know the history & culture. I understand the nuances in the feud I am supposed to have with the Chinese. What do you know? Do you even live here or speak any of the languages?

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