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building SOTA systems is the easy part?! Easy compared to what?

Probably, to get them to work without hallucinating, or without failing a good percentage of the time.

I wonder what would our world look like if these two expectations that you seem to be taking for granted were applied to our politicians.

Are you suggesting people are satisfied with our politicians and aspire for other things to be just as good as them?

What if we applied those two expectations to building construction? What if we didn’t?

I think it's always good to aspire for more, but we shouldn't be expecting perfect results in novel areas of technology.

Taking up your construction metaphor, LLMs are now where construction was perhaps 3000 years ago; buildings weren't that sturdy, but even if the roofs leaked a bit, I'm sure it beat sleeping outside on a rainy night. We need to continue iterating.

Continuing this metaphor further, 3000 years ago built a tower to the sky called the Tower of Babel.

Compared to “having built” :D

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