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[flagged] Entire Annapurna Game Team Resigns (bloomberg.com)
78 points by tmendez 7 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments

I liked the two of their games that I've played so far (Stray, and What Remains of Edith Finch).

Hopefully, whatever creative magic made these, will make more, and they'll be happy doing it.

What Remains of Edith Finch is the most powerful interactive fiction I have encountered - and it beats all others by a huge margin.

It's not even a game, really. But extremely powerful.

Annapurna didn't make it, BTW. They were the publisher.

They're just the publisher. "Their games" were conceived and developed by other companies.

True, but as a publisher they had a really good eye for funding interesting games. It's a real loss for me, as I tend to rely on publishers to curate my games for me.

I wanted to give a selection of their games, but it's so long that I can just link the Wikipedia page instead: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annapurna_Interactive#Games_pu...

No argument. They've definitely had a good eye for meaningful and emotive adventure games.

A little surprised to see 2011's Kentucky Route Zero under their name and in as a 2020 game.

Clan Ellison strikes again!

The Return to Island mandate must not have been a hit

Woah, and even I was excited for their TBA Blade Runner game [1]. Guessing that's not going to happen.

[1] https://annapurnainteractive.com/en/games/blade-runner-2033-...

This simply disappeared from the front page - why?

Because too many stories like this and tech employees might get Ideas.

haha collective action is interesting, but I dont see how a union would help with an acquisition or merger walking away

That’s what I thought.

It is [flagged] now, wtf.

Dunno, but it currently doesn't have a lot of votes, and only 1-2 substantive comments.

> 133. Entire Annapurna Game Team Resigns (bloomberg.com) 22 points by tmendez 56 minutes ago | unvote | flag | hide | 6 comments

25 points in under an hour, and it's at #116 and falling; surrounded by 2 day old posts.

Pretty weird.

Edit: #230 now (90 mins in), with 36 points, next to 3 day old posts. Sus af.

Maybe because my account is new? Maybe because it's a Bloomberg shared article (By Jason Schreier)? Not sure, just grasping at straws.

Edit: I'm guessing I'm right. Looks like Hackernews stripped the share key in the URL sometime after this was posted... the publicly posted one... from Jason himself, so now the article is paywalled.

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