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> What do you do if someone has a bad trip or decides to make poor decisions?

The same thing you do on terra firma. You do your best to keep them calm, and talk them down. I've never had to physically restrain anyone, but seems like that would actually be easier to do on the ISS. Just wrap them up and let 'em float around

I'd also expect bad trips to not be as big of an issue in a NASA sanctioned experiment with a much more closely controlled dose vs some tab you got off the guy in a tye dyed t-shirt at the concert type of situation.

> I've never had to physically restrain anyone, but seems like that would actually be easier to do on the ISS. Just wrap them up and let 'em float around

A great way of restraining someone is pushing them against an unmovable object. On Earth, that is either the floor or a wall, then you can pin them somewhat against that, at least restricting them somewhat.

Walls and floors are the same in space, and the person can literally float away with six degrees of freedom, at any time.

I feel like physically restraining people would be harder in zero gravity than non-zero.

I was thinking simply a couple of bungee cords wrapped around them to keep them from flailing and then just let them drift around.

What's nice about the ISS is there's no way for someone to do something accidentally dangerous in there.

Are you being sarcastic?

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