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git bash's main benefit being that it's a commonly installed variant of the wonderful msys2 system, then yes, I tend to agree.

Another wonderful benefit of git bash, is that because it is so commonly installed, if you want scripting for a dev/build tool, you can 99% of the time just use bash for your scripts, on linux and windows.

I use this all the time for my build scripts. build/x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc.sh, build/x86_64-windows-msvc-cl.sh, etc. (These are generally simple single command line unity builds, parameterized only by debug, opt, etc.)

Then from pwsh I can run these scripts with `& "$env:GIT_INSTALL_ROOT\bin\bash.exe" .\build\x86_64-windows-msvc-cl.sh`, similarly from cmd.exe. (Looks like a ton of typing, but it's not, I always Ctrl-R search and get a hit by just typing "git_").

No need to write a bat script, or even a pwsh one, pretty much ever again. Even if all you want is logic to cd to the script directory, parse a single script argument, check it's valid, provide a default, make some directories if not present, etc., bash beats all the alternatives on many fronts.

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