Not just poor wording but I think you misunderstood the authors context too. Some of his comments were comparing git bash to other POSIX layers like WSL, rather than Bash vs PowerShell.
> I think you misunderstood the authors context too
This I did not. The post was about Git Bash as a command-line shell for Windows and everything it entailed, I understood that and that's why I wrote the paragraph that followed.
I was limiting the scope of my comment to the author's familiarity on Bash versus CMD or PowerShell because I considered that the cornerstone argument of the entire post. Everything else that the author mentions is expected by default in a *sh-type shell on a Unix-like OS; there's nothing special there. People wouldn't blog about being able to use `grep`, `ls`, etc on Linux; it's just everyday business.
> > I think you misunderstood the authors context too
> This I did not. The post was about Git Bash as a command-line shell for Windows and everything it entailed, I understood that and that's why I wrote the paragraph that followed.
I literally just said he wasn’t just comparing Git Bash with Powershell though. So you can’t have understood their context if you took Powershell to be the “cornerstone”.
It’s a bit of a muddled blog because he is constantly switching focus between “Git Bash” (the package / distribution; whatever term you want to describe it as) and Bash.exe (the shell).
There are a lot of the comparisons are with things like WSL, for example when he discusses the underlying file system. And when he talks about the ease of installing and keeping things up to date. None of that was directed at Powershell specifically, nor even at all.
I said the cornerstone argument for their blog was 'they were familiar with Bash, so they don't use the shells that come with Windows', not 'they are comparing Bash with PowerShell'.
Given that everything else is detailing what about Git Bash is familiar, which as far as I am concerned is everyday business. The author discusses things like Unicode and the other GNU coreutils. Again, this is what you'd expect on a Unix-like.
> I literally just said he wasn’t just comparing Git Bash with Powershell though
That's great that you think that, maybe
delta_p_delta_x had a different takeaway. Why do you believe your opinion about what the cornerstone of the article is to be fact?
> If there’s one thing I can’t stand in IT, it’s people who think their personal preferences (or opinions) are equivalent to impartial facts.
I appreciate what you’re saying but the author literally named the software they were comparing. WSL was specifically mentioned, by name, in some examples.
That’s not subjective opinion of mine because it’s literally printed like that on their site (you can read it for yourself too. It’s the same site for everyone)