Padmapper provides a service on top of Craigslist: it maps Craigslist ads. It does not provide classifieds, and Craigslist does not provide mapping. There is no overlap. They are not competing.
Maybe they will compete in the future, but that's just because Craigslist isn't making any effort to provide a mapping feature.
The end game for Padmapper would definitely and without a doubt be to build its business using Craigslist and then compete with it. I wonder how many startups launched off of Craigslist.
Without a doubt? You presume that this is a standard startup with aggressive biz dev plans. It's actually mostly me working on things that I think are cool.
Padmapper provides a service on top of Craigslist: it maps Craigslist ads. It does not provide classifieds, and Craigslist does not provide mapping. There is no overlap. They are not competing.
Maybe they will compete in the future, but that's just because Craigslist isn't making any effort to provide a mapping feature.