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I had tinnitus as an adult, and it was cured.

It turned out to be caused by an improperly filled root canal; some root material remained inside the tooth, the flesh above and around the tooth was inflamed and this was applying pressure inside the skull and bringing tissues which would otherwise not have been into contact, or firmer contact.

I had the root canal re-made, and the tinnitus ended.

I also had tinnitus, as a result of a gum infection. It was a low grade infection for a while which made me not make much of a connection, but when I finally got antibiotics after the infection got way worse, the infection and the tinnitus cleared up within 3 days

How was this discovered? Regular PCP, dentist or a specialist?


I had moved to NYC, had a new dentist, in our general initial discussion about my teeth I described the history of the tooth and that I still had some sensation (not pain, just sensation) on pressing the flesh of the gum above the tooth.

He took an x-ray just of that tooth, and lo and behold, a big bloom on inflammation above and around the tooth.

So it was easy to find, if you looked.

Interestingly, the root canal re-drilling specialist who did the work told me he had over the many years a number of cases where patients had various issues such as dizzyness, where their issue went away when their improper root canals were re-made.

"...improperly filled root canal; some root material remained inside the tooth..."

UGG. I've been experiencing noticeable tinnitus this motorcycle season. It is to the point I'm now actively investigating. Recently I read neck pain or tension can cause tinnitus. I have a terrible mattress. I'm contemplating a move, so I've been holding off on replacing it. Trying exercise and stretching in the mean time.

I also had a root canal in November 2023. The tooth was sensitive and this only abated somewhat after about six months, which is coincidentally when I noticed the tinnitus.

I would advise an x-ray of that tooth, to see if there is inflammation.

I had very slight intermittent tinnitus that went away after being treated with an ALF appliance for TMJ and sleep apnea. I think my jaw joint was pressing on a nerve by my ear somehow. My bite was fixed by tilting it slightly back to horizontal to open up the joint and allow the teeth to erupt a bit until they met again.

wow. It's a long way between jaw, sinuses and the inner ear. Was your inflamation that big?

I can't say - I can't judge x-rays :-)

But I'm thinking the head is pretty much solid-state; everything is packed in there. Apply pressure is one place and it ends up somewhere else.

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