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Here, I'll give you the paragraph from the article which talks about your point, since you must have have missed it:

"You could certainly make the case that everything in the recap is accurate from a factual perspective. However, the fact that it doesn’t include any information about Morgan and how important this night was for her, the NWSL, and U.S. women’s soccer speaks to how these kinds of services can’t replicate human writers who can see an event from a 360-degree perspective."

Most game recaps that I've read are no less dry, than the AI generated one.

The reviews that come after are typically the ones that cover broader impact. Reviews also include third party commentary and more insights from specialists.

The benefit of having a factual recap generated minutes after the game far supersede the value added by a few words from a low paid recap writer hours after the game.

> The benefit of having a factual recap generated minutes after the game far supersede the value added by a few words from a low paid recap writer hours after the game.

I guess thats subjective and depends on what the individual finds interesting/important in sport. However including something potentially unecessary is far easier to do and covers more bases than leaving something potentially necessary out.

That's a "kitchen sink" approach, that produces really bad articles that are hard to read.

Thats your subjective opinion again, and thats fine you are entitled to it.

But there are many different types of people who might disagree with you or prefer something different. You seem to be just stating that what you want is what everyone should think is best.

This is literally what good editorial is. That's what makes best articles in journalism.

No one, including you, is interested in every single detail. And no one, including you, will read a novel for every single game.(and every single soccer game can easily become a novel)

Thanks for telling me what I want. You will get far in life that way!

There's empirical evidence to knowing what you actually want, vs what you say you want.

And I've made a lot of money on disregarding maximalist user requests, thank you very much.

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