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No, it's a totally different concept. Brave lets you check which tabs are open in another machine and open them on the current machine if you want.

Edge and Arc always keep your tabs in sync between devices and inside their respective workspaces. It's a seamless transition between devices.

> Edge and Arc always keep your tabs in sync between devices and inside their respective workspaces

Maybe try Vivaldi? https://vivaldi.com/

I’ve got about 5 different workspaces and can flip between any of them on windows/linux whether that’s desktop or laptop.

Has a ton of features I always wanted in Firefox, but never knew I needed (I think that statement makes sense?)

OSX app is a bit meh, but might be because I’ve got muscle memory with safari.

Edit — as a DevOps main I feel your documentation/research pain. Genuinely I feel like Vivaldi solved the 300+ tabs over multiple OSes/machines problem for me. (I think my record was 500ish tabs at one point).

Edit 2 — maybe it’s not a DevOps thing. Maybe I’m just a tabs weirdo. :shrugs:

Vivaldi still doesn't do what Arc and Edge do.

Vivaldi presents me the open tabs in another device in a window and I can choose which ones to open on the present device. Arc and Edge bypass that step. The open tabs in 1 device are always in sync with the open tabs in another device.

If you create a new tab in device 1, a tab will automatically open in device 2 with the contents of the tab. If you close the tab on device 2, it will automatically close on device 1.

I'm using Vivaldi mobile on my Android phone and it changed my life for the best. It has a builtin ad blocker (like every browser should have, unless there is a conflict of interests). No more cancer when casually browsing the web. It's priceless really, and it's free.

  > Has a ton of features I always wanted in Firefox, but never knew I needed
Like what? I might try it.

Really nice tab/windows side bar

Syncing between devices (does require creating a free Vivaldi account)

Built in mail client (I haven’t used thunderbird for months now)

Chromium, extensions and themes out the box

Bunch of UI customisation options like moving the address bar and stuff

Probably a bunch of others I don’t use or can’t remember being features.

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