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> I can't believe a group of engineers are so afraid of residential power. ... Read a quick howto, cruise into Home Depot and grab some legos off the shelf. Far easier to figure out than executing "hello world" without domain expertise.

The instinct to not touch something that you don't yet deeply understand is very much an engineer's instinct. Any engineer worthy of the title has often spent weeks carefully designing a system to take care of the hundreds of edge cases that weren't apparent at a quick glance. Once you've done that once (much less dozens of times) you have a healthy respect for the complexity that usually lurks below the surface, and you're loathe to confidently insert yourself confidently into an unfamiliar domain that has a whole engineering discipline dedicated to it. You understand that those engineers are employed full time for a reason.

The attitude you describe is one that's useful in a lot of cases and may even be correct for this particular application (though I'm personally leery of it), but if confidently injecting yourself into territory you don't know well is what being an "engineer" means to you, that's a sad commentary on the state of software engineering today.

Sir, this is "Hacker News".

So did you mean "I can't believe a group of hackers are so afraid of residential power"?

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