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And probably requires some crappy Windows only IDE to work with their proprietary language. It’s probably not possible use revision control or share the system with others. Try getting data out of their system into a software system reliably.

Maybe ask instead of asserting stuff?

In this case:

1. You can program them in vscode if you want, or using their IDE

2. Their IDE supports git just fine, and that's what i use

3. The languages, like just about all major PLC vendors, are PLCOpen (IEC61131-3) languages. They are well defined.

Vendors differ in what edition of PLCOpen they are up to, similar to how you'd see differences (in the past) in what version of C++ is supported by an IDE/compiler.

Since PLCOpen is not trying to actively add random crap (like C++ is), it's not really a huge treadmill

4. They all have OPC/other standard ways of data access.

Most PLCs now come with an embedded OPC server, or some option.

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