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Why do you use OrderedDict for now that regular dicts are ordered by default?

Two dictionaries with equal keys and values are considered equal in Python, even if the order of the entries differ. By contrast, two OrderedDict objects are only equal if their respective entries are equal and if their order does not differ.

It may be more explicit: OrderedDict has move_to_end() which may be useful e.g., for implementing lru_cache-like functionality (like deque.rotate but with arbitrary keys).

OTOH that’s a lot less useful now that functools.lru_cache exists: it’s more specialised so it’s lighter, more efficient, and thread-safe. So unless you have extended flexibility requirements around your LRU, OD loses a lot there.

And if you’re using a FIFO cache, threading a regular dict through a separate fifo (whether linked list or deque) is more efficient in my experience of implementing both S3 and Sieve.

OrderedDicts have some convenience methods and features that ordinary dicts don't have.

Do you have any examples?

Also, dicts can become unordered at any time in the future. Right now the OrderedDict implementation is a thin layer over dict, but there are no guarantees it’ll always be that.

Not true as of 3.7[0]

  the insertion-order preservation nature of dict objects has been declared to be an official part of the Python language spec.
[0] https://docs.python.org/3.7/whatsnew/3.7.html

Oh well... This is what I get to not look at release notes with lawyer eyes. Thanks for the correction.

dict are ordered to keep argument order when using named arguments in function calling. So it would be a non-trivial breaking change to revert this now.

I would argue that OrderedDict have more chances to be depreciated than dict becoming unordered again, since there is now little value to keep OrderedDict around now (and the methods currently specific to UnorderedDict could be added to dict).

They can, but ordered dict can also become unordered in the future, should the steering committee decide.

But seriously: It’s no longer an implementation detail that dictionaries are ordered in Python. It’s a specification of how Python works.

I missed that in the 3.7 release notes.

There in lies another reason why OrderedDicts are still useful even in 3.12

Not really. It was pointed out that since 3.7 the order preserving behaviour is part of the spec for dicts.

I guess for most purposes, OrderedDicts are then obsolete, but I believe there are some extra convenience methods that they have, but I've only really needed to preserve order.

Makes you think what other parts of Python have become obsolete.

I work with different versions of Python3 (and 2 unfortunately) and some code is still in 3.6, hence I used OrderedDicts.

3.6 was the first with the new ordered by default dicts, even though wasn't specc'd until 3.7.

It worked as an accidental implementation detail in CPython from some other optimization, but it wasn't intentional at the time. Because it wasn't intentional and wasn't part of the spec, that code could be incompatible with other interpreters like pypy or jython.

See my comment and the linked email at https://github.com/ericvsmith/dataclasses?tab=readme-ov-file... for dataclasses and 3.6. I think it's still true.

The reason Guido didn't want 3.6 to guarantee dict ordering was to protect 3.5 projects from mysteriously failing when using code that implicitly relied on 3.6 behaviors (for example, cutting and pasting a snippet from StackOverflow).

He thought that one cycle of "no ordering assumptions" would give a smoother transition. All 3.6 implementations would have dict ordering, but it was safer to not have people rely on it right away.

pypy implemented naturally ordered dict before cpython did.

jython never released a P3 version so is irrelevant, ironpython has yet to progress beyond 3.4 so is also irrelevant.

As someone who just had to backport a fairly large script to support 3.6, I found myself surprised at how much had changed. Dataclasses? Nope. `__future__.annotations`? Nope. `namedtuple.defaults`? Nope.

It's also been frustrating with the lack of tooling support. I mean, I get it – it's hideously EOL'd – but I can't use Poetry, uv, pytest... at least it still has type hints.

Not even VSCode extension works anymore

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