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I've been out of web development for awhile, and it took me way too long to figure out what this actually does. I don't think the article does a good job describing it.

From what I gather, this new feature lets you write:

    from var(--gradient-angle)
Instead of just a raw value, like:

And the former effectively gets replaced with the latter, sourcing the value from where you defined it in a `@property --gradient-angle {...}` block.

Plus there's the `inherits: false;` bit. I'm not sure what to make of that. What it does is clear enough but I don't understand why. CSS selectors already let you control inheritance. Now you can control it from a second place? I don't follow...

Also, why do I have to define the type in the @property block? I don't have to define types anywhere else in CSS. The browser can see where the @property is used, why can't it infer the type from that?

The big win for me has been that this feature let's you animate css variables. A place I used it a while back was a little experiment where I tweaked youtube's design to look "neon" -- eg all the lines and stuff were bright red and glowed. I designed it so the hue of the primary colour was controlled by a single css variable. I then thought why not make this extra insane and animate the hue slowly through the spectrum so that the colour of the page is changing slowly in the background! Apparently you can't animate a css variable without @property. So it's not just letting you use a css variable instead of a raw value, it's letting you animate the css variable -- and, in turn, all the places that css variable is referenced! So with one simple `@keyframes neon-flow { from { --dc-neon-hue: 0; } to { --dc-neon-hue: 360; } }`, I animate everything -- all the primary colours, all the box shadows, etc.

`inherits: false` lets you control how the property is inherited. For example, in normal css, the property `color: red` is inherited. If you set it on a div, all elements in the div will have `color:red` unless they specifically override it. But, say the property `display: flex` does not behave this way. If I set it on the div, only the div becomes display flex. This is exposing the ability to control how your custom property is inherited -- like `color` (`inherits: true`) or like `display` (`inherits: false`).

I believe the type is there so that it can at static time know what to animate. Since a css variable can be anything, unlike a css property. E.g. `from { color: red } to {color: blue}` it knows the types because of the properties. With css variables, it needs to be told what the types are.

Added fun fact: the type syntax is actually the same syntax you'll see on like mdn! https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color#forma... . So it's like exposing the internals of CSS as an API any developer can use :)

CSS properties already existed before this new feature (@property). You could already for instance declare a property "--my-prop: 10px" and use it elsewhere "var(--my-prop)".

This new feature, @property, allows you to define your property ahead of time, what "type" (syntax) it should accept (percentage, angle, color, etc), whether or not the property should inherits values from parents, and give it a default value (initial-value).

This means that if a property is declared as an angle type, and an element says "--my-prop: 5px" it will be ignored. Previously, this would be valid and depending on where you used it it might have unintentional side effects. It also means you can specify something like "--my-prop: initial" and it will use the default value (initial-value), without needing to know what it is exactly.

Thank you. Why the article doesn't describe what @property does or how to use it is mind-boggling. It's completely obfuscated by the overly complex example.

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