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The Sandia Cooler: A totally new CPU heatsink design that's 30% more efficient (icrontic.com)
6 points by primesuspect on June 21, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Heading of link is wrong: original source article says its 30 TIMES more efficient, not 30%. This would be a seriously big deal if it's actually commercialized: based on the Sandia video I have no doubt they have a working prototype.

Whether 30% or 30 x, is this a big deal?

How much power does a typical CPU cooling fan draw right now?

Random fan on Newegg has ~2W power draw, so not much. But many processors are limited by heat dissipation, so better heat transfer could mean faster clock speeds (think water cooling, but much more convenient). Also means the fans could run much quieter (see the video), which makes sense since most of the fan's energy is going into noise/vibrations.

Does this fan actually provide a better absolute heat transfer rate?

I think if it's 30% more efficient, that probably just means the fan itself consumes that much less power for a given heat radiating capacity.

Maybe it'll be a bit smaller or a lot quieter or something, but I don't see it "revolutionizing" anything.

The main issue I see with this is if it gets knocked or something breaks inside it, a giant hunk of spinning metal is not what you want flying around inside your lovingly built PC.

But can it go for 6 months without getting clogged with dust?

Apparently because it's moving, dust particles "bounce off".

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