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Not that trash Kaleido faux-color e-ink, very nice.

This may be the first legitimate color e-ink tablet with good (EMR; see: S-Pen, Wacom, old style Thinkpad) pen input.

According to the video [0], the pen needs to be charged and I thought EMR pens don't.

[0] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uyh6KSYVJ4

There are quite a few samsung pens, which can be but don't need to be charged. That is, the writing works without charging but "air gestures" etc. additionally work via bluetooth or something and do need additional charging.

That said, due to the fact that it does have an eraser, I would still guess that it is EMR but probably with a softer tip (e.g., the galaxy folds had special pens; other emr pens are "compatible", but might damage the crease, so they are not officially compatible).

Probably it's Wacom AES, or NTrig, or maybe some other technology (whatever happened to Finepoint?)

Perhaps something from the Universal Stylus Initiative?


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