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Probably OP is thinking of NIMBYs.

OP is thinking of people who bumper sticker "Believe Science" but never took science beyond grade school or a required "science for poets" class. People who think "chemicals are bad, but organic is good".

These are not bad people, but they don't know what they're talking about enough to form their own opinions, but they don't know that.

That would be quite the strawman but whatever works for them.

> That would be quite the strawman but whatever works for them.

These types of people exist, and in worryingly large numbers.

See also the German 'Green' party whose policies have led to lots and lots more CO2 emissions over the years.

Is that actually true?

If you mean "over the last 20 years", then no, they weren't even a governing party between 2005 and 2021.


You're perhaps talking about the downstream effects of sunsetting nuclear energy but even since then, the ratio of renewable energy has only increased. So what do you mean exactly?


Yes, I was (partially) talking about sunsetting nuclear energy, which they had a major part in (though some of that was indirectly).

They are also against fracking, which indirectly leads to more coal burning. Which is worse.

> [...] the ratio of renewable energy has only increased. So what do you mean exactly?

I would look at the CO2 emitted per Joule or something like that. Ie something that puts nuclear and coal into different baskets.

> > See also the German 'Green' party whose policies have led to lots and lots more CO2 emissions over the years. reply

> Is that actually true?

> If you mean "over the last 20 years", then no, they weren't even a governing party between 2005 and 2021.

You don't have to be in cabinet to influence other parties.

They barely made it into parliament at all most elections, hovering around 5% in 2002 and 2006 and well below 10% after that until 2021. I think you might be giving them too much credit.


> They barely made it into parliament at all most elections

You don't even have to be in parliament to influence other parties.

Also, Greenpeace energy selling organic gas. That’s is very funny until you realise that 1) they are serious, and 2) they vote.

Do you mean "renewable" gas? https://green-planet-energy.de/privatkunden/prowindgas

I can't find anything about "organic" gas, maybe your auto translate did a wrong thing?!

Sorry, it was vegan gas, not organic. They stopped labelling it that way, obviously, after being thoroughly ridiculed. It’s difficult to find references to it now, but some articles from that time (2020-2022 I think) remain, e.g. https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/decouple/greenpeace-sel...

There might be some traces of it in the Internet archive.

[edit] there are traces here: https://web.archive.org/web/20210209184343/http://www.greenp...

It was prominently on their home page at some point, but I could not find it. I should have saved it.

I get why people laught at it but let’s not forget anaerobic digestion reactors do produce methane from manure and last centuries oleoindustrie was using tons of cetacean fat, so vegan gaz is not litterally meaningless.

Do you have a specific connection between landfills and NIMBYs, or are you just generally interested in NIMBYs in the abstract?

As a rule we try to avoid putting landfills anywhere near someone's backyard, so it's not your usual hot topic for the zoning committee.

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