It's through a smart inverter, of course it can be modulated.
Now, random consumer solar can't easily be modulated - yet. But nor can random consumer demand. If you've got a big solar farm then not only can you precisely control the output, you can also control the phase response of the output.
(if you turn the inverter off, what happens is the panel voltage floats up to the breakdown voltage of the photodiode that is the solar cell, and the energy vanishes into electron/hole recombination and slightly warmer panels)
It's through a smart inverter, of course it can be modulated.
Now, random consumer solar can't easily be modulated - yet. But nor can random consumer demand. If you've got a big solar farm then not only can you precisely control the output, you can also control the phase response of the output.
(if you turn the inverter off, what happens is the panel voltage floats up to the breakdown voltage of the photodiode that is the solar cell, and the energy vanishes into electron/hole recombination and slightly warmer panels)