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Notably, you need the $60 “full” version to get the ATX power control breakout that attaches to the perverse physically-USB-C connector that has the ATX signals (why? why did they make this abomination?..). Or make your own, I guess, that’s always an option (if only USB-C connectors weren’t absolute ass to solder).

Probably because USBC connectors are really cheap. If this was 5 years ago, they probably would be doing something terrible with a usb 3 A connector instead.

I didn't use the ATX aux board because my mini PC does not have such headers. I just use Wake-on-LAN from NanoKVM web UI to power up my PC :P

There's no Reset-on-LAN though, sadly…

I use a Zigbee plug to toggle the power off and on, and the bios is configured to boot when power is restored.

Yeah I have this setup too just in case :p

OT: What emotion/message are you trying to convey with ":P" in your comments? I never really get these.

I don't know if it's common but for me ":p" is basically the text version of this emoji

[edit]: oops HN does not allow emoji … go here https://emojipedia.org/winking-face-with-tongue

"my computer is better than your computer" i'm guessing...

No no definitely not that… it's more like "my stuff is a bit weird"

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