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Similar project that supports files: https://github.com/mprimi/portable-secret

Oh cool that looks awesome thanks for sharing! Are you the maintainer?

I saw that StatiCrypt is listed is the alternative section of your README, I'll do the same on StatiCrypt (and add a bunch of the one listed there that I didn't know about!)

The "Alternatives" section of StatiCrypt has always felt a bit empty to me, I'm glad to discover all those great looking projects and beef it up a bit. :)

Thank you for the link GP!

I’m the ‘maintainer’ but I’m hands off and not planning on significant improvements.

Discussion on HN was also quite interesting and you may find some ideas: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34083366

I also recently presented this at HOPE(.net) and was very well received by a technical crowd so congrats on independently inventing the same thing ;-)

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