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Show HN: Supertree – interactive visualization of decision trees in Python
70 points by pplonski86 3 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments
Hi All,

I would like to share with you a new Python package for interactive decision tree visualization. It is called `supertree`. It visualizes decision tree as interactive graph, where you can collapse and expand selected nodes. You can zoom and pan though large trees. It works with Scikit-learn, Xgboost, and LightGBM.

The package works in notebooks: Jupyter Lab, Jupyter Notebook, Google Colab. You can also use it in Python scripts and save output trees to HTML.

The package is available on pip: `pip install supertree`.

You can find code examples on the GitHub: https://github.com/mljar/supertree

Happy exploring!

I'm very biased in favor of Javascript, but I have to say it looks very nice! Nice job!

Here's my user test: https://www.loom.com/share/2b751d8c08fb4998aae02678ff1d6ce2

There's a 'Google Collab' button which loads all of this immediately in a web-based Python environment to play with in the README. I don't agree with your take on accessibility.

Ah, I didn't see that button, thanks!

Here's the link for anyone else: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1f2Xu8CwbXaT33hvh-ze...

I would suggest making that more prominent: TRY NOW IN COLAB

And put it on the homepage as well.

Great idea to post your candid user experience.

I use random forests as a first model for basically everything classification or regression.

This looks incredibly useful for understanding samples of individual trees, for which I use the nice but limited inbuilt tree object in sklearn.

Thank you!

Thank you! Tree based algorithms work very good on tabular data. There is a lack for good tools to visualise trees and make them readable. That's why we created supertree.

Is there any documentation? I am trying to understand why I have target1 and target2 in the same circle for both left and right outcomes.

Please create issue at https://github.com/mljar/supertree it might be a bug. We are working on docs

looks like you need to pay to use this "free open source lib"


There are separate commercial and non-commercial licenses listed in the repository. This may not be compatible with open source, but it's a reasonable licensing strategy overall and doesn't create a "need to pay" as most use would be non-commercial.

Creative Commons licenses are not designed for software, but they clearly encode this sort of provision for other creative works. Why shouldn't software developers follow a similar path?

I don't know where you're quoting "free open source lib" from. It's not in the OP nor in the project README as far as I can tell. In fact, the README explicitly calls it commercial software.

Thank you. You are right, the software is free for evaluation and personal use. For commercial use, you need to buy license.

We would like to make this package sustainable :) There are a lot of open source packages that developers can't further develop and maintain because lack of funding.

Interesting choice of license, source available, but only free (as in beer) for personal use.

I am all for trying to find sustainable ways to finance these kind of projects. But in practice I think the way it's now makes it unlikely that you will get our money. For once, I can't find a price, and secondly, I get tired just thinking of the process of figuring out how to pay someone somewhere money.

I, and most developers in my professional circle, can do purchases through their respective cloud provider. Maybe you should check how easy it is for you to get it in as a product in e.g azure marketplace?

We would like to keep package sustainable. Earlier, we've created package for AutoML which is MIT license (https://github.com/mljar/mljar-supervised), and it is very hard to monetise it, and you need to have funds to keep package maintained and work on it.

Regarding purchasing, we just don't have time create landing page with buy button :) we will add it soon. The package cost will be 499 USD/yearly. We already have few finance companies interested.

>I can't find a price

The license includes a URL supposedly with pricing information, but it 404s, and the main website doesn't seem to list Supertree as a product. Maybe it just hasn't been set up yet, or it's copied and pasted from previous licenses and you're expected to negotiate separately.

You are right, it wasn't setup. In case you are interested in purchase, please contact us by email.

> Secondly, I get tired just thinking of the process of figuring out how to pay someone somewhere money.

An invoice?

Not for me, but for my employer. I don't have the company credit card. I can't really go around making deals with some random company in Poland on behalf of the company (except the shitload of money I can spend in the cloud). I would have to get the purchase approved. There would be questions. I am now tired.

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