I can't comment on the product since I never used it, but the rebrand surprises me...
Greplin is novel, short, spellable (pick up grepplin.com and greppelin.com just in case), googleable, defensible, and clever. By most standards it's a great trademark.
Cue is common, heavily overloaded, unsearchable, ambiguously spelled ("like, the letter 'q'?), and you don't even have the domain name.
Greplin is novel, short, spellable (pick up grepplin.com and greppelin.com just in case), googleable, defensible, and clever. By most standards it's a great trademark.
Cue is common, heavily overloaded, unsearchable, ambiguously spelled ("like, the letter 'q'?), and you don't even have the domain name.
This seems like a mistake.