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No I do not assume the moon landing was fake because other media outlets won't cover it. I do not think the earth is flat because news outlets won't cover it. The list goes on. I also do not think the covid beliefs I have come from the fact that mainstream news outlets won't cover it. I strongly believe a narrative was painted and information censored and controlled when it did not fit the narrative they wanted. I was first to criticize the Canadian government on how they handled the vaccine rollout and mandates. I did however spend a lot of time doing my own research and listening to any information my ex showed me and also researching those sides to things and formed a well informed opinion. I sought out other opinions and studies. I did my best to follow the science. Not at all what you are implying. In the end my ex was only interested in the opposite which was any narrative that said the vaccine was poisonous, we are being forced to take it because this is a world culling and in the next few years population is about to crash as it has now effected our sperm and dna so we will not be able to have children and the crazy thought kept on coming almost all fueled by telegram chat groups pushing that stuff.

Did she also believe the "fine people both sides" thing was a hoax?

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