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> I can't seriously rely on - or even keep up with - a dep tree like this for a single and relatively simple project.

Our dependency trees in `uv` and `ruff` at Astral are bigger than this. We rely on it and keep up with it. We do not spend most of our time dealing with the dependency tree. (Although I do think our compile times are longer than would be nice.)

> For my livelihood, I'm necessarily going to place more trust in Microsoft's ASP.NET or VMWare's Spring than in @animewaifu420's three dozen half-abandoned packages and their 'dank' Discord.

If this ends up being true, then that means there is financial incentive to provide something more holistic, right?

I don't know what "dank" Discords have to do with anything here.

From my perspective, I see a lot of derision and vague feelings in your commentary, but little hard data. Tons of production web applications are built in NodeJS on orders-of-magnitude larger dependency trees. Tons of peoples' livelihoods depend on it.

To be honest, I have a lot of the same feelings as you. I don't like large dependency trees either. But that tends to be more connected to tangible problems like compile times.

> There's no reason Rust couldn't, in the future, have fully-featured crates, with dramatically curtailed dep trees and wide industry buy-in.

There's no reason C couldn't have better dependency management either, right? But it doesn't. And the problem isn't just technical.

> but the ecosystem is years away from a sufficient level of maturity for me to feel inclined to return to it for any significant work at this stage.

I suspect the ecosystem is more mature than you think it is, particularly if your understanding of maturity boils down to just a single number of dependencies. But like, if you had written this comment originally, I probably wouldn't have replied. I don't think what you're saying is totally unreasonable, but I also don't see this changing either. Like, if Microsoft wanted to come in and build a nice web framework for Rust, I think it's very likely it would be built on top of the existing crate ecosystem. I don't think they would, for example, roll their own HTTP implementation unless there was some technical reason that `hyper` wouldn't work for them. I do not think they would do it just to get the dependency count down.

What you're seeing is a manifestation of a million tiny little decisions. Should I write my own URL parser? Or should I use a crate for it that I know is also used in production by a number of large companies? Why would you choose to roll your own? (Again, excepting technical reasons.) You wouldn't. You would use the one that already exists. And this decision procedure repeats over-and-over. Big companies aren't immune to it either.

In any case, I did say "trade off" and not "Rust's way is always better." So my reply makes room for viewpoints like yours, where as I think your original comment didn't make room for a more balanced take. That's why I responded.

Responding to the Discord point, charitably, I think the person you're replying to is saying that Discord is a poor documentation platform that has some fatal flaws, and I do think it has unfortunately replaced web forums in a lot of contexts, which means a couple things:

1. It's unsearchable and opaque: you can't really do anything but the most basic of searches on Discord and getting support or finding previous/similar questions can be incredibly difficult. This also has the strong disadvantage of being unarchivable with makes the next issue more important.

2. It's controlled by a single entity and the viability of Discord, from both a service provider perspective and a community perspective is uncertain. For all we know, Discord, the company, could die without any warning, or there could be policy decisions which make hosting communities untenable. If that happens, it'd be incredibly difficult to get stuff off of there. With more decentralized communities, or even centralized, but internet-visible ones, there are potentially archives and backups that can help restore information.

This, imo, makes it not a great choice for a software project's forum or whatever. Maybe general IRC-style chat where conversations tend to be relatively ephemeral anyway? Sure. But it's not a great forum or wiki replacement imo.

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